Ana Carolina is a 24 year old Brazilian woman who was born with Down syndrome. When she was a little girl, her parents ran a therapy program with her under the guidance of IAHP.

Her program went on for several years – as Ana Carolina explains here herself. I think you will agree this is a wonderful success story, and an important example for all parents of children with neurological challenges. There is so much potential!

In order of appearance, you can now watch the following speeches from our launch:

Dr Peter Holsman
“Do you honestly think that headaches are due to a lack of aspirin?”
10 minutes


Dr Nahla Khraim
“I ask myself, is it coincidence that these changes are happening – coincidentally – to the children who are having these Natural Therapies? I think not!”
11 minutes


Kristen Morrison                                                                                                                                         Kristen presents the background, approach and plans for the holistic Grow Foundation for Naturally Better Kids.
35 minutes

by Bronte Morrison
A performance, dedicated to her brother…


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